Parish: 382 Liberty Ave., Hamilton, OH 45013 - 513-863-3938
School: 451 Ridgelawn Ave. Hamilton, OH 45013 - 513-863-0685
St. Peter explained the dignity of baptism: “Come to Jesus, a living stone, rejected by men but approved, nonetheless, and precious in God’s eyes. You too are living stones, built as an edifice of spirit into a holy priesthood” (1Peter 2:4-5). The simple truth is that the Church is stronger, our parish is stronger, our pastoral region is stronger, when we are living our faith. You will notice displays for ministries in the church entrance. Each of the next nine weeks you will hear about a ministry where you can contribute to our pastoral region’s “edifice of spirit” and carry out the mission of your baptism. The isolation of this past year reminded us how valuable it is to meet with others and to work with others. Discern where the Spirit is asking you to help and work with others to make our parishes, our pastoral region, a place of living faith.
Click here to see which ministries are recruiting and how they need your help.