Parish: 382 Liberty Ave., Hamilton, OH 45013 - 513-863-3938
School: 451 Ridgelawn Ave. Hamilton, OH 45013 - 513-863-0685
Altar Servers are an integral part of our liturgy. It is an honor and a responsibility to serve God and His people at Mass. The Ministry of the Altar Server is to help the priest and deacon during the whole time of the Mass or Liturgical Service. They are responsible for leading the procession at the beginning and ending of the Masses, for preparing and helping the priest with the books containing the prayers, for helping set and clear the altar, for preparing and helping the priest and deacon with the incense and other important tasks to help make Liturgy run smoothly and efficiently.
Eligibility: Servers begin training in the sixth grade during the second half of the school/PREP year. Boys and girls attending St. Peter School, PREP, or home schooled parishioners are eligible and may continue to serve through high school.
Contact the Parish Office at 513-863-3938.
Assist in distributing the Body and Blood of Our Lord Jesus Christ in the Sacrament of the Eucharist. They may also take communion to the sick and homebound and nursing homes on Sunday and during the week as needed.
This became an established practice in our parish soon after Pope Paul VI issued the document (1973) granting lay people the privilege of distributing Holy Communion.
Eligibility: Any Catholic who has been confirmed may be commissioned to be an Extraordinary Minister of Holy Communion. High School students are encouraged to participate. Those chosen must be examples of Christian living in faith and conduct. They are expected to grow in holiness, especially through this Sacrament of the Eucharist. A training session is required. Contact the Parish Office at 513-863-3938.
Lectors are the men and women who proclaim God’s Word at Mass. A Lector will bring the message of Old and New Testament Scripture passages to life for God’s people to hear. This very important liturgical ministry calls not only for the person to have a strong, clear voice, but also be rooted in God’s Word. Not only will the Lector proclaim the first and second readings, but will all read the petitions if a Deacon is not present. The Lectors should prayerfully review the readings prior to the Saturday / Sunday / Holyday Liturgy.
Eligibility: Any Catholic who has been confirmed may be commissioned to be a lector. Students may start during the second half of their seventh grade year.
If interested, contact the Parish Office at 513-863-3938.
Ushers greet the community as they enter and exit the church, pass the collection basket, and request a family to take the gifts to the altar. Parishioners in need of assistance can always turn to an usher for help. If you would like to participate in this ministry, please call the Parish Office at 863-3938.